Detox Time: Products That Help You Reset
Detoxing gives you the opportunity to launch into a fresh decade emotionally, physically and spiritually at your best. “Detox” can be a controversial word. Sure, the body has a way to do this naturally, including many of our major organs, most notably the liver, designed to cleanse impurities. But the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the makeup we use, the personal care products we slather on our bodies, buildings we live and work in are rife with newly developed synthetic toxins, which put an extra load on our purifying systems. And then there’s recalibrating to make sure we get the sleep we need, have tools to manage our stress and get the nutrition and fitness to support our optimal lives. Here are a few products to help you thrive through 2020 and beyond.
Of course, it’s always good to take precious hours to unplug from an often noisy and nutty planet—not only is it good for detoxing, but it helps your spirit as well.
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