CoolSculpting by OrangeTwist

No invasive surgery or downtime

We can help you achieve the figure that you are already working so hard on through non-invasive body contouring treatments. It’s a whole new world of non-invasive body contouring you can get done over the course of a lunch break.

Before & After

*Results and patient experiences may vary.

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Target Fat With Cold

CoolSculpting is based on the insight behind cryolipolysis — the idea that cold can target fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue.


Safe + Effective

The procedure safely and effectively targets the fat cells underneath the skin.

Processed Naturally

When fat cells are frozen they die, and over time your body naturally processes and eliminates them, leaving a more sculpted you.


Little to no Downtime

The treatment requires little to no downtime and gives you long term results.

Non-surgical non-invasive

It’s non-surgical, non-invasive and comfortable. No anesthesia or pain medication is required.

Smart Choice

81,000+ Performed

Leading provider of treatments in the nation. 81,000+ performed and counting.

Always Available

2–4 CoolSculpting machines per center. Get multiple areas treated at once.

A Certified Team

Every single OrangeTwist team member is CoolSculpting certified, and two are CoolSculpting Masters graduates.

Valid on 8+ treatments. Limited time offer.



CoolTone is the latest innovation in muscle toning. This non-invasive body contouring treatment uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to strengthen, tone, and firm the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

  • Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) technology targets the muscles
  • The body responds by strengthening muscle fibers and improving muscle conditioning
  • After treatment the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs have a firmer and more defined appearance

Now available at Brentwood and San Juan Capistrano. Coming soon to all OrangeTwist centers

fast facts

Common Questions, Answered


Freeze the fat away? It comes down to science. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than surrounding tissues. The idea that cold can selectively affect fat led to the innovative cooling process developed by scientists at a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. CoolSculpting technology safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and flushes these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you.*


With a variety of applicators, all available at OrangeTwist, CoolSculpting can help treat unwanted, stubborn fat in a variety of areas including, but not limited to: tummy, love handles, flanks, inner & outer thighs, under the chin (can be treated with the brand new CoolMini applicator!), and finally the arms with the new CoolAdvantage Petite applicator.*


CoolSculpting is a great, affordable option for those seeking help to reduce of stubborn fat without surgery or downtime. Each client is different in their personal fat reduction goals and needs. An in-person evaluation is needed to determine the full cost of “treatment to transformation” that our clients desire. CoolSculpting is usually less than half the cost of invasive fat removal treatments such as liposuction or surgery. OrangeTwist offers financing through CareCredit for our clients.


OrangeTwist offers DualSculpting and TriSculpting, which means we have multiple CoolSculpting machines to offer your treatments in half the total time or less. Each area treated typically takes about an hour and the number of areas you are treating will dictate the amount of time you are with us. The great news is that the treatment is incredibly easy and our facility is set up to ensure your comfort from beginning to end, equipped with TVs, WiFi, and magazines. Patients can catch up on e-mails or sleep while being treated. Results are typically seen in 1-3 months after the treatment.*


CoolSculpting works incredibly well, helping to reduce unwanted fat in troublesome areas. The pictures speak for themselves! There are some clients who may not be good candidates for CoolSculpting — we offer complimentary 360° consultations to discuss your personal needs and whether or not CoolSculpting may be right for you. See the before and after CoolSculpting results for yourself!*


The CoolTone applicator generates a magnetic field that creates a current when it passes through a conductive muscle. The induced current is stronger in the muscle layer and the body responds to these contractions by strengthening its muscle fibers and improving muscle conditioning. The result is stronger, firmer, and more toned abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.


CoolTone™ uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to selectively deliver strong pulses to muscle tissues in a noninvasive manner. CoolTone’s MMS technology penetrates into the muscle layers and induces involuntary muscle contractions, all in a safe and effective treatment. CoolTone™ is FDA-cleared to strengthen, tone, and firm the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.


Your brain can naturally trigger a muscle contraction, but external stimulation, like CoolTone’s MMS technology, can bypass the natural order. MMS recruits more muscle fibers and generates stronger contractions.
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I like the fact that it was non-invasive with scientifically valid methods.

bye-bye unwanted pounds

CoolSculpting targets annoying trouble spots