So, what are you doing this summer? If your answer includes “looking like my hottest, very best self,” you may want to consider CoolSculpting, the world’s leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment. By removing the heat from the cells and eliminating it naturally and permanently, you can reduce stubborn fat on your arms, thighs, belly, waist and even around your chin and neck. When you incorporate CoolSculpting into a regime that includes exercise and eating right, you’ll be that much closer to success.
Dr. Francis Palmer III, MD FACS, a renowned Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon, says the way to approach your summer fitness goals is not just through your body, but also by getting your mind right. “If you’re going to accomplish something, you have to get it in your mind’s eye first, so that you see it. A goal that is seen and visualized is far easier for the body to accomplish,” he says.
And once you get rolling on your fitness goals, the magic is that they’ll expand into other areas. “I do all these things not only because it makes me look better, but it improves my health, which improves my lifespan, and it gives me a healthier lifestyle,” Dr. Palmer says. And if you’re not forgiving and accepting with yourself, you’ll never be able to do enough to feel good with the way you look. It will be an unending loop of dissatisfaction.
The good news is that getting to your goal doesn’t always require a major revolutionary upheaval. You can actually get CoolSculpting treatments on your lunch hour with zero side effects. “I believe wholeheartedly that you look as good as you feel, and you feel as good as you look,” Dr. Palmer says. “Doing something like CoolSculpting is so incredibly important for some people because up until they do it, there has been a barrier keeping them from being their optimum self—not their optimum appearance, but their optimum self.” Once you start noticing small changes, you’ll be motivated to make more—it’ll be that much easier to get off the couch, get on your workout clothes and exercise. Over a short period, you’ll create a cycle of positivity.
Make a Plan
Maybe you look in the mirror and are filled with self-recrimination. You don’t even know where to begin or what to ask for. The first place to start, Dr. Palmer says, is with compassion. “Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, say, ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life for whatever it is I want to accomplish, that I now embrace and see in my mind’s eye.’ Then give yourself reasonable time to accomplish that.”
Because it takes at least three months to fully realize CoolSculpting’s results, if you want to reach your goal by June, you should start treatments no later than March.
“Always look at the most critical issues, the most important issue, however you value that, and figure out the way that you can accomplish that and with the least amount of pain, damage, money, recovery, whatever your resources to do that. If you do that, the level of satisfaction is always really high,” Dr. Palmer says.
If you’re having trouble identifying where you’d like to start, know that the OrangeTwist team has your back and can help you think it through. “We’re going to spend the time to talk with you. We’re going to spend the time to know you. We’re going to spend the time to help guide you to the things we think are going to make you the best version of you in a step-like manner so that you understand, you’re always happy and you’re always moving forward,” Dr. Palmer says. “I want my patients to look good and feel good, period. If it’s not going to accomplish that goal, I’m not interested in doing it.”
It can be overwhelming to evaluate all the options and figure out how broad or specific to make your beauty and fitness goals and how to go about achieving them. “There’s more information about aesthetic medicine now than ever before in human history. There’s also just as much confusion,” Dr. Palmer says. “Do not let your inability to absolutely identify all the things that can make you feel and look better stop you from starting, because, remember, every journey starts with one step forward.”
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