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Beauty, Featured, Wellness

Red-Carpet Ready

You don’t have to be on the short list for an Academy Award to get red-carpet ready. Getting a beauty boost and a more toned, trim body is a great way to beat the winter doldrums. And hey, just in case you get invited somewhere fancy, you’ll be ready to rock.

First, make a plan for your beauty campaign. Starting from your head down to your toes, you’ll want to line up all the helpers in your personal beauty army to start looking your best. Make appointments for:

Hair: Regular root touch-ups and highlights, trim or even a radical new updated hairstyle, with a blowout the morning of your big day.

Skin toning and tightening: Spark new collagen production with non-surgical treatments such as Ultherapy or Vivace radio-frequency microneedling.

Skin care: Deeply cleanse and exfoliate with a HydraFacial and follow up with medical-grade products such as the ZO Skin Health and Alastin

Fillers: Is it time for wrinkle relief or a little facial volumizing? Contact OrangeTwist for a free consultation about which products will work best for you.

CoolSculpting: The time to start your CoolScultpting treatment is right now because results from this non-invasive method to freeze fat cells and eliminate them naturally could take up to three months. Yes, you can look amazing in that dress!

You’ll also want to tackle your workout plan. Claudine Cooper is a Los Angeles-based fitness professional who regularly teaches at Equinox, the Bay Club and 24 Hour Fitness. (Bonus: On the weekends she gives back to her community with free workouts in the City of Inglewood.) Cooper says getting ready for a big event—even if you don’t know yet what it’s going to be—is a great motivator to get serious about fitness and nutrition. “Ideally we would all ‘stay ready’ so we don’t have to ‘get ready.’ But let’s be honest, most of us are indulging in some guilty pleasure every day,” she says.

Cooper has some suggestions to jump-start your red-carpet-ready regimen and says results can kick in within two weeks. By following her simple plan, you’ll not only look hotter, but you’ll also feel better and build a foundation for good health that can last the rest of your life.

First eliminate sugar—not just the usual culprits of soda, candy, and baked goods, but also get rid of fruit smoothies and other foods high in natural sugars. “Removing sugar can lead to a clearer complexion, visible decrease in belly fat and better oral health,” she explains.

You’ll also want to commit to daily exercise. “There are competing theories on this subject, but unless you are training like an Olympic athlete, you probably don’t need a ‘rest day,’” Cooper advises. If you’re not a gym rat, you can still dance, walk, run, swim or take a group fitness class—anything to get moving. “Just commit to one hour of sweat-inducing exercise every day. Working out has been scientifically proven to increase brain function, fire up the metabolism and chase the blues away. If better mental, physical and emotional health is not motivation enough, look at it like this: the more you burn equals the more you can eat.”

And finally, bust your butt. Not only will you get ancillary exercise benefits, but it will be much easier to shimmy into that gala gown. Cooper, who is known for her booty-shaping workouts, offers these ideas for sculpting your rear:

Stand more: “Sitting down is killing the booty,” Cooper says, adding that the average American sits for eight to 10 hours a day. Stand when you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator and park the car further away to walk more. “The booty needs to move,” she says.

Squat: Instead of sitting, squat while you watch TV, do squats in the gym and find some time to do them at work (perhaps during one of those dreaded conference calls). “The proper squat looks like a person is attempting to sit down without the chair. No weights necessary, just commit to doing 50 body-weight squats per day for two weeks. Your butt will thank you,” she says.

Sprint: “The sprinter’s workout of high-intensity movements for short periods of time creates a toned and muscular appearance. If the butt has more muscle, then it will be less likely to sag and drop,” says Cooper.

It’s also good to have a backup: “When all else fails or you get a last-minute invitation to a red- carpet event, invest in some high-quality undergarments. Spanx makes awesome products for men and women that will give an instantly smoother, more toned appearance,” she says.

Finally, it’s important to remember that good health comes in all shapes and sizes. “In my intense boot camp style classes, we never work toward achieving the ‘perfect body.’ Instead, we are working toward self-acceptance, self-love, and self-care,” explains Cooper.


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